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Fall in Love with Plant-based Food

One person. One Planet. One Meal a Day.


The Future of Food


A family-owned farm and food business, OMD Foods produces food that’s healthy, delicious, sustainable and traceable from seed to plate.



Suzy Amis Cameron
Author, Environmental Advocate, Mother, Former Actor & Model

Welcome to OMD Food!

Every single day, I wake up thinking about how I can make the world a better place for all the world’s children. That’s the beauty of OMD. By embracing at least one plant-based meal a day, we can slash our personal water and carbon “foodprint” in half. With this simple shift, we also can minimize our risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, lose weight and even improve our sex lives.

OMD is my life’s mission, and I want to thank you for changing the world with us. Together, we can do this! OMD!

Love, Suzy


Your Guide to
Plant-based Living


Get ready for a health transformation!

— Michael Greger, M.D., author of How Not to Die

The science is clear. Eating plant-based is the healthiest diet on Earth. In Suzy’s book, OMD, you will discover more than 50 recipes, field-tested meal plans, kitchen tips, inspirational health makeover stories, and the nutritional and environmental science to support your shift. The book also includes inspiring personal stories on the impact that plant-based eating has had on even the unlikeliest of people (like Suzy’s barbeque-lovin’ brothers in Oklahoma!).

“My goal is to share how easy, fun, delicious, energizing, and gratifying plant-based eating can be. I want to help you gracefully handle the challenges of incorporating more plant-based meals into your life.”
— Suzy Amis Cameron, OMD

Order Book Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, Amazon Australia, Amazon New Zealand



The OMD movement is about resourcing individuals — with tools, encouragement and real talk — to migrate to climate-friendly diets. The OMD movement is also about system change — about expanding access and making a great case for schools, businesses, restaurants and communities to move towards more plant-based options.

One meal at a time. One restaurant at a time. One school at a time. Saving forests, coral reefs, endangered species, and the air we breathe. Your health is worth it. And our majestic, wild planet home is worth it.